
Who Wants FREE Pizza?!?

So, there we were. All alone at HDC. Only Jacki and Audrey. (We think. The timing's a little fuzzy, so Ben might have been around, too. But, we know that Erica wasn't here because she was in the air.) And so, we had a photo shoot. Kinda. We tried. Jacki's not good at jumping, and not so good at the whole lighting thing. Audrey sometimes makes funny faces. But, the trees-- gorgeous, regardless of the people with them.

Jacki's "jumping"

Audrey's "acrobatizing" (Ben helped us with that alliterative word)

Friday evening we all returned to the Mansion, just in time for.... Dun dun da!! Community clean-up day, in 72 degree weather :) We gathered 98 bags of trash on 14th street alone. While working, we were visited by the Patriot's "finest" photographer. And when we say finest, we mean least social. But, he had a really sweet camera, with amazing lenses (according to Audrey, since as mentioned above, Jacki doesn't really know anything about cameras).

After a long morning of sweating to make Allison Hill beautiful for spring, we were treated to free Angels pizza :) We thought of all of the fall participants as we were enjoying that cheesy goodness. And even though we won't have the money to treat all of you to pizza when you return... keep reading to find out how there could be free pizza in store for you, too.

So, then there was today. We were a little sleepy but wanted fresh air, so we took our Sunday afternoon nap in the park. Now, this park also features nude statues of people playing with children. Being good Christians, we decided to take Jesus literally and clothe the naked.

Jacki helping the poor man
The perfect "mother-to-be" photo announcement*

Trying out the self-timer on a not very wide wall

Now, here's what you've been waiting for. The way to free pizza. The first participant/team leader from fall training '08 to answer the following questions correctly** wins... Angel's pizza.
1. Why were we out on the street from midnight-1AM in our pajamas?
2. How many matching articles of clothing do Audrey and Jacki now possess?

*NOTE: Jacki is NOT in the way of Jenny Kipe (We love you Jenny!)
**In case of no correct answers, the most creative answer wins


Building A Garden Box

Yesterday evening Andy, Jacki and Audrey worked together to build an awesome garden box, which we will use to plant some veggies to suppliment our food budget here. They did an awesome job, different stages of which were captured on camera. There's a couple of videos too, which might be added at another time. :)
So here are the pictures showing what all transpired last night.

Andy measuring the boards. The boards came from Audrey's parents, which was a huge blessing.

Jacki got to use the nail gun, which she was proud of. :) Here she is nailing the ends of the box together.

Now it's Audrey's turn to use the nail gun. They shared the responsibilities of putting together the pieces.

And here is the end put together.

After cutting all the pieces and putting the ends together, they lifted them up onto the roof, where the plants will be growing.

Ben helped them put the pieces together on the roof. Here one side is done and the other is getting put on. After they were done the flipped it and nailed down the bottom of the box.

After it was put together Audrey, Ben and Jacki pretended to sail it away. :)
Now all we need is to put the rubber lining in, and fill it with top soil. Then we'll be able to plant the tomatoes, spinach and lettuce we got the other night. I think the plan is also to plant some green peppers.